Служба отклика на сетевой запрос и тестирования качества соединения RobotNET Generic Ping Service.
RobotNET Generic Ping Service (v.0.9.*)
ping.exe [/start|stop|restart]|[/service:COMMAND]
/start Starts the console application
/stop Stops the console application
/restart Restarts the console application
/service:[COMMAND] Service command to execute
/auto:[COMMAND] Auto Service/Console select
Service commands description:
query Retrieves and displays the current
service configuration
describe Updates the service description
install Installs a service in the SCM database
uninstall Deletes a service from the SCM database
auto Changes service start type to AUTO
manual Changes service start type to MANUAL
disable Disables the service
enable Enables the service
recovery Enables a recovery mode
start Starts the service if possible
stop Stops the service
restart Restarts the service
dacl Updates the service DACL to grant start, stop,
delete, and read control access to the Guest account