7.5. Bridge Server

Серверная служба RobotNET Bridge Server обеспечивающая магистральную связь между маршрутизаторами пиринговой сети RobotNET. При помощи каждого Bridge-сервера, можно создать несколько мостов-коннекторов. В сети может быть неограниченное количество таких серверов. При помощи таких мостов-коннекторов можно создавать разнообразную структуру сети с учетом пропускной способности сетевых каналов, времени их функционирования и иных сетевых возможностей.

RobotNET Bridge Server (v.0.9.*)

bridge.exe	[/start|stop|restart]|[/service:COMMAND]

/start			Starts the console application
/stop			Stops the console application
/restart		Restarts the console application
/service:[COMMAND]	Service command to execute
/auto:[COMMAND]		Auto Service/Console select

Service commands description:
query		Retrieves and displays the current
		service configuration
describe	Updates the service description
install		Installs a service in the SCM database
uninstall	Deletes a service from the SCM database
auto		Changes service start type to AUTO
manual		Changes service start type to MANUAL
disable		Disables the service
enable		Enables the service
recovery	Enables a recovery mode
start		Starts the service if possible
stop		Stops the service
restart		Restarts the service
dacl		Updates the service DACL to grant start, stop,
		delete, and read control access to the Guest account

Пример вывода телеметрии RobotNET Bridge Server:

Exploring [178137857]...OK (3618.979 ms)!
Reply from [178137857]: 64192 bytes, 130.676 ms.

State...                    OK                   Thu Dec 08 07:51:05 2022 +0300
Monitor...            BIDIRECT                           Uptime      2.13:08:42
Map...                      OK

BRIDGE   bridge0> ~S:   0.00 B ~R:   0.00 B ~T:   0.00 B                   FAIL
         bridge1> ~S:  61.87MB ~R:   2.96MB ~T:  64.82MB                     OK

GATEWAY  ~S         61.87MB Sx:   0.00 B/s (   4.33KB/s) [                  0%]
         ~R          2.96MB Sx:   0.00 B/s ( 376.00 B/s) [                  0%]
         ~T         64.82MB Sx:   0.00 B/s (   4.54KB/s) [                  0%]
Network statistics for [178137857]:
	Requests: Sent = 1, Received = 1, Lost = 0 (0.00% loss)
	Bytes: Sent =   28.00KB, Received =   63.58KB
	Speed: Send =  214.27KB/s, Receive =  486.58KB/s
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
	Min = 130.676 ms, Max = 130.676 ms, Average = 130.676 ms